
Murrough Connolly is a composer from Tralee, Co. Kerry whose music is inspired by the blues, guitar and harmonic invention.

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Quiver - for solo piano

“Murrough Connolly’s duo for two violins was a joy to play. He writes well for the violin and the piece jumped off the page and delighted the audience.”

Katherine Hunka, leader of the Irish Chamber Orchestra, commenting on Imperium for two violins.

In Flux: for flute, violin, cello & piano

In Flux explores harmonic stability and instability - beginning with dark melodic fragments, the music gathers momentum in a turbulent search for resolution.

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ClarinetFest 2024: Duelling Reads & Leads

Murrough’s latest work for two clarinets and effect pedals, Duelling Reeds & Leads, will be premiered at this year’s ClarinetFest in Dublin on 4 August 2024.